Distinguishing Serial from Parallel Confidence Processing


Pascal Mamassian 🌐

CNRS Director of Research, Head of LSP (Laboratoire des systemes perceptifs) Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) and Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
講演者経歴 Pascal Mamassian was born in Lyon (France) and was trained in Telecommunication Engineering (Sup' Télécom, Paris, France). He then obtained a Masters in Cognitive Sciences (Univ. Paris 6 & EHESS, Paris, France) and a PhD in Experimental and Biological Psychology (Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA). He has worked at the Max-Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics (Tübingen, Germany) and New York University (New York, USA). He was at the University of Glasgow (Glasgow, UK) as lecturer and then senior lecturer before taking a researcher position at the CNRS (France).
日時:4月12日(金) 13:15〜14:30


Visual confidence refers to our ability to predict the correctness of our perceptual decisions. Knowing the limits of this ability, both in terms of biases (e.g. overconfidence) and sensitivity (e.g. blindsight), is clearly important to approach a full picture of perceptual decision making. In recent years, we have explored visual confidence using a paradigm called confidence forced-choice. In this paradigm, observers have to choose which of two perceptual decisions is more likely to be correct. I will review some behavioural results obtained with the confidence forced-choice paradigm, together with a theoretical model based on signal detection theory. In particular, I will argue that the confidence forced-choice paradigm offers the possibility to distinguish serial from parallel confidence processing. Finally, I will present an extension of the theoretical model for experiments using confidence ratings, and discuss the conditions under which serial and parallel confidence processing can be distiguished using this latter paradigm.
